
Dr. Mila Arnaudova, MD - Endocrinologist
Dr. Mila Arnaudova M.D. is a specialist in Endocrinology and metabolic diseases with over 13 years of experience with interests in diabetes, prediabetes, obesity, thyroid diseases, hypovitaminosis and osteoporosis. Dr. Arnaudova does not examine children.Education:
Graduated from Sofia Medical University in 2009. Acquired a specialty in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases at Sofia Medical University. She has a defended dissertation on "Diabetes and thyroid gland". In 2017-2019 she was a teacher of Endocrinology to Bulgarian and foreign medical students at Sofia University. Since 2018, she has a master's degree in Public Health and Health Management.
• Course for ultrasound of the thyroid gland and cervical area;
• Course on bone density and osteodensitometry;
• Postgraduate courses in Athens, Zagreb, Paris and Sofia;
• Member of the Bulgarian Society of Endocrinology and the Bulgarian Diabetes Association;
• Author and co-author of over 130 scientific publications in scientific journals and over 65 participations in Bulgarian and international scientific congresses with posters or oral presentations.